Simply put, we are ONE BODY, LOVING GOD, MAKING DISCIPLES. We are a family of people united in the Father, Son, and Spirit by His abundant grace. We strive eagerly to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In doing so, we stand on the eternal truth of God’s infallible and inspired Word. Because He loves us so deeply, perfectly, and fully, even while we were still sinners, we seek to obey the Greatest Commandment to love God with everything we are. True love for God flows out into love for our neighbors. True love for our neighbors motivates us to make disciples of Jesus, who is the author, source, and model of perfect love.
David Best
Glen Brown
John Crawford
Steve Downs
Addan Dye
Adam Miller
Joe O’Rear
Gary Gregory
Jeff Griffith
Jacob Hawk
Robby Henson
Daymond Hughes
Craig Womack

The Rossville church of Christ exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ by His grace and for His glory. Making disciples includes going, baptizing, and teaching others to obey Jesus. Biblical, Christ-centered disciple-making is a communal effort in which each member of the body is intentionally and prayerfully using his or her unique gifts to help others reach maturity in Jesus Christ. In everything we do as a church family, we seek to be disciples who make disciples who make disciples.
Bible Class - 9:30am
Join us first thing in the morning for a period of Bible study! We have classes focused on teaching God’s Word available for all ages, nursery to adult!
Worship - 10:30am
After class, we gather together in the auditorium to participate in worshiping the one Almighty God. We engage in songs of praise as we lift our voices to be the instruments God commanded them to be, open our Bibles as one of our ministers guides our minds through the teachings of the Word, and share the communion meal together to remember the sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ.
Evening Class - 6:00pm
We gather a second time later in the day and are involved in a congregation wide, intergenerational discussion class. Our ministers walk us through a passage of Scripture in a very informal setting and the floor is open for comments and questions.

Bible Class - 6:30pm
Break up your busy week and be refreshed and recharged by our midweek Bible study. We have a place for all ages; kids, youth and adults.
Devotional - 7:15pm
Following class, the family gathers in the auditorium for a short devotional period and some songs.